
Anyone Want to Fly a Target?
It was a little too much for me and my glider began to dance all over the sky. I wasn't enjoying it and when it came to the first release…
04 Jul 2009
7 Hours for 30 Seconds!
With the assistance of other pilots I launched and flew down the slope skimming some foliage with my left wing (not that I noticed).
25 Jun 2009
Boot Camp Day Two
The previous night I and a few others had set-up camp on the runway at Mendlesham. I didn't get the best night's sleep, but at least I didn't have the 120 drive!
10 May 2009
Boot Camp Day One
This weekend is Boot Camp weekend, the Suffolk Coastal Floaters training weekend, the aim of which is to train new winch operators and club coaches, the life-blood of the club
09 May 2009
Return to Suffolk
The wind was non existent, possibly slightly tailwind? After giving the "All Out!" instruction I was hauled forward but not upwards…
05 Apr 2009
First Tow in Over 2 Years!
Finally, 2 years after my tow training at Lejair I'm able to return to a tow field. The venue is Mendlesham Airfield, the Suffolk Costal Floaters primary tow site…
15 Mar 2009
A Snow Covered Delight
As the South Downs came into view they looked glorious with a dusting of snow. For a moment I wondered if I could get all the way up to the Devil's Dyke, but the road was clear.
07 Feb 2009