MFX Journey

Sections in this Article:

Music Produced in Fruity Loops

Fruity Loops (FL) has now become my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) of choice. Of all the software I've used over the years, Fruity Loops is by far my personal favourite. I currently use the Producer Addition with all Plug-Ins. In addition to the fantastic selection of native synths that come with FL, I also use the Omnisphere 2 synthesiser and its satellite library, Keyscape. I've recently reworked and re-produced some of my earlier FL productions to use the pianos of Keyscape as they sound awesome! Piano's have always been one of my favourite instruments.

One of the great benefits of FL Studio Producer Addition is the inclusion of the ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin. This great little plugin allows very customisable videos to be produced for each musical production. While I'm still to maximise the full potential of dynamically customising the rendering process, synchronising it with the music, outputs are pretty impressive without. For this reason, I've used YouTube and a new channel, MFX where I publish the finished productions [after a bit of additional editing using CyberLink video editor].

The full selection of videos are available below. It is my intention to reference a famous quote or a quote that has inspired me at the start of each video, then at the end, conclude with a quote from one of my favourite films - just for a bit of fun.

MFX067 Steep Wood
The picturesque Steep Wood is located deep in the West Sussex countryside and in the early morning, the air is filled with musical bird song as they start their days and begin going about their business. The background audio from Steep Wood was recorded using my mobile phone while passing through the woods on a Mountain Bike. Timing the recording was critical as not to capture the noise from flights inbound and outbound from Gatwick airport that unfortunately pollute this otherwise perfect tranquil audio space. The track was originally composed in the 1990s with the intent to be used on a Commodore 64 game that I was programming but never finished. In 2024, the track was re-imagined in Fruity Loops into this new modern rendition along with my new love of the church organ, probably inspired by some of Hans Zimmer’s more recent compositions.
17 Jun 2024 : Duration : 00:05:47
MFX060 Mistal Wind
With the latest addition to Omnisphere 2, Nylon Sky and Undercurrent; this arrangement was pulled together over a number of evenings.
03 Dec 2021 : Duration : 00:04:49
MFX054 Ground Effect
As the second wave of the Coronavirus hit, an impulse purchase of all the Fruity Loop plugins resulted in some new toys and some new inspiration. The result of which is this track, Ground Effect. All the instruments are VSTIs hosted in Fruity Loops with midi captured from live performances on a Yamaha PSR3000. The video that accompanies this track was generated using the ZGame Visualizer PlugIn.
25 Jan 2021 : Duration : 00:04:58
MFX047 Lenticular
Still under lockdown conditions and another musical experiment. The title Lenticular, describes the intended journey this tracks takes the listener. The shape of this music starts with a humble beginning, building to an electronic high in the middle concluding with a grand piano with diminishing synths at its conclusion. This track was also an opportunity to use the latest addition to my VSTi library, Keyscape from Omnisphere. I look forward to using more from this fantastic collection of instruments in the future!
14 Jun 2020 : Duration : 00:06:44
MFX044 Lockdown
Unbelievable times as the Covid-19 virus spreads across the world forcing us in the UK to go into lockdown, hence the name of this new track, produced in Fruity Loops and soley using the Flex synth.
31 Mar 2020 : Duration : 00:04:00
MFX040 Hexed
Upon discovering the Flex synthesizer within FL Studio I began playing around with the various presets and quickly arranged this piece over a number of evenings before Christmas.
29 Dec 2019 : Duration : 00:04:01
MFX032 Flute and Piano
A sweet blend of the piano (Keyzone Classic) and flute (Sonatina Orchestra) with some subtle synths and textures provided by the Omnisphere 2 synthesiser.
07 Mar 2019 : Duration : 00:02:51

I write music for fun and for my personal enjoyment [and more recently as backing music for my hang gliding videos!]. If my music brightens just one person's day, or someone hums one of my melodies after listening, this is an added bonus! I welcome all feedback, so if you want to share, please drop a comment below.