Eddy Hopping
Eddy Hopping is a river leading method for getting a group down a white water river. The Eddy Hopping technique works by progressing the group down the river eddy by eddy with paddlers re-grouping at each Eddy. Eddy hoping can be conducted with the entire group or in a series of smaller groups (pairs/tripples). Generally the size of the Eddies enroute will dictate this.

Eddy Hopping Technique.
- The first paddler sets off and breaks out in the first eddy.
- That paddler then signals for the next paddler to follow using a previously agreed signally system.
- The next paddler then negotiates the rapids and breaks out in the same Eddy.
- The process completes until the rapid has been negotiated or the paddlers rendezvous in a previously agreed eddy.
Sometimes it may be necessay for the group leader to signal when each paddler should set off to the next eddy. This allows the group leader to control evey boat movement in a safe organised manner.
Advantages of Eddy Hoping
- One person moving at any one time.
- Keeps the group close together throughout.
Disadvantages of Eddy Hopping
- Longer time required to descent a rapid.
- Need to consider the maximum boats that can enter an Eddy comfortably, too many can cause problems!

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