Top to Bottoms
The weather forecast suggested a north westerly wind but I wasn’t convinced it was going to be good for soaring. Almost 3 months had passed since my last flight, so I was keen to get out and give it a go.
When I arrived at the Devil’s Dyke I was surprised to see crowds of paragliders. I was mesmerised with the way that they floated around like jelly fish, magically missing each other. I pondered not flying into this impenetrable wall of ripstop polyester and nylon fabric but a fellow hang glider pilot said they’d make room when I was ready for launch!
I was clearly paranoid about flying with so much traffic and after I launched, I flew too far from the hill to stay in the lift band but avoided the traffic and ended up, once again, in the bottom landing field!
One of the hang glider pilots must have felt sympathy for me and drove down to collect me and my glider. I was grateful for this which permitted me to try it all again. Unfortunately, I repeated the same flight plan and again, ended up in the bottom landing field!
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