Another Dyke Day
The expected weather forecast didn't quite materialise and upon arrival it was evident it was light and getting lighter. Still, it wasn't raining so I fetched my glider and rigged it. If anything, I'd squeeze a quick top to bottom in!
Sometime later, the sky was full of paragliders and I decided that my flight would simply be; punch through the wall of paragliders then head to the bottom landing field.
As I patiently waited for a gap in the wall of paragliders, I heard a yell from the sky. The only hang glider airborne and a paraglider had what I can simply describe as the closest mid-air I've seen to date! I'm unsure of what happened leading to the incident, but it forced the hang glider pilot, piloted by Dan, to turn towards the hill. Somehow Dan pulled off his first fly on the wall landing with only a minor bump. To my relief, no fatality!
After I confirmed Dan was okay, I launched and squeezed through between all the paragliders. I managed several beats back and forth but flying predominately out of the lift band. An inevitable bottom landing followed.
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