Hang Gliding Graphs

Hours By Year
A graph showing total flight hours for each year flown. Most pilots may quote how many hours they've flown in a year; this graph is a useful indicator for which years have been the best!
A graph showing total flight hours for each year flown. Most pilots may quote how many hours they've flown in a year; this graph is a useful indicator for which years have been the best!

Hours per Month
A graph showing the hours flown for each calendar month by flight discpline.
A graph showing the hours flown for each calendar month by flight discpline.

Hours per Day of Week
A graph showing total flight hours per day of week. This graph is useful when determining which days have historically been proved to be the most popular for flying. If the pilot is a weekend flyer, Saturdays and Sundays will appear to have the most hours flown!
A graph showing total flight hours per day of week. This graph is useful when determining which days have historically been proved to be the most popular for flying. If the pilot is a weekend flyer, Saturdays and Sundays will appear to have the most hours flown!

Split of Flights by Discpline
A graph showing the split of flights by discpline.
A graph showing the split of flights by discpline.

Hours per Glider Model
Graph showing the total number of hours flown on a glider model for each flight discipline.
Graph showing the total number of hours flown on a glider model for each flight discipline.

Flights From Sites
A graph showing the number of flights from each site flown.
A graph showing the number of flights from each site flown.

Flight Hours From Sites
A graph showing the total number of flights hours gained from each respective launch site.
A graph showing the total number of flights hours gained from each respective launch site.