Flight Logbook

TypeDateLaunch TimeGliderSiteDuration (h:m)CommentsHeight Gain (ft)Distance (km)Hours (h:m)
HSun, 09 Jun 202414:07Wills Wing U2 160Woolacombe01:11WNW; 15-20 mph; wind bang on the hill; self hang-checked and launched. Top landed with a graceful belly flop as got caught out in rotor.70099:40
HSun, 29 May 202211:30Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:28NNE-NE; 10-15 mph; wind certainly off to the east. Top landing approach was a downwind!12498:29
HSat, 28 Aug 202113:51Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:35NNE; 15mph gusting; High pressure, punchy broken thermals. Lots of sink, hard work flying, bottom landed.30098:01
HSun, 11 Oct 202011:37Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:57NNW; 15-20mph; Got stronger during the flight. Thermic. Top landed, very pronounced wind gradient - caught a few people out.1,066397:26
HSat, 07 Sep 201914:16Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:18N; 10-16 mph, took off just as a lift cycle was coming to an end. Paragliders also took to the air which made getting high enough for a top landing difficult. Safely bottom landed.10896:29
HSat, 07 Sep 201912:50Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:13NNW; 10-15 mph, overcast, light rain just before launch. Mostly had the site to myself. Top landed as high and paragliders began to launch.21996:11
HSun, 05 May 201910:50Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:32N; 10-15 mph. Touch of west in wind. For wind strength not very lifty. Rough in places, couldn't get high enough for top landing then hit sink cycle and returned to hill too low and bottom landed.28595:58
SFri, 12 Apr 201900:00Wills Wing U2 160Sail off glider service with South Downs Hang Gliding.095:26
HSun, 07 Oct 201810:47Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:22N; 10-15 mph decreasing. Paragliders had started taking off so I ceased the opportunity and launched. Decided to bottom land at Bo Peep when I saw the ridge full of paragliders when I turned back.2503.595:26
HWed, 05 Sep 201815:00Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:04N; 10-15mph descreasing; overcast with some moisture in the air.095:04
HWed, 07 Feb 201808:30Wills Wing U2 160Famara - Lanzarote01:09NW; 20 mph increasing. Low clouds, crashed on bottom landing when a left turn developed that I couldn't recover from as landed with full VG on!2,33513.595:00
OSat, 09 Dec 201710:05Other Devil's DykeWNW 5 mph; my very first flight on a paraglider - flying Tandem with Luke. A very short (2 mins) and enjoyable sled ride to the bottom landing field. My hang glider never made it off the car roof!093:51
HSun, 29 Oct 201711:33Wills Wing U2 160Firle01:03N-NNE 15-20mph gusting; overcast with some thermal activity. Top landed and almost got caught out by the wind strength on landing with the glider travelling backwards across the ground towards the barbed wire fence.1,01393:51
HSun, 15 Oct 201712:30Wills Wing U2 160Mount Caburn00:2710-15 mph; SSW, Overcast with weak thermals. Sun broke through towards end of flight. I wasn't really in the mood for flying today, but when my glider was dragged half way up Mount Caburn by a fellow pilot I felt compelled to fly it. Not a great flight, but great to be back in the air after my previous accident.20092:48
SSat, 02 Sep 201711:00Wills Wing U2 160Glider Service report following crash and replacement of both uprights and the installation of a fin ready for aerotowing.092:21
TSun, 13 Aug 201712:00Wills Wing U2 160Mendlesham00:01A cross wind take-off and I pop the nose; the left wing stalls and a lock-out starts. I almost recover but run out of air and crash into the ground.6092:21
HSat, 01 Jul 201709:45Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:30Arrived early to avoid the crowds and to get the best of the wind. By 09:30 the sky was overcast with a 10-15mph wind coming from the nw. Some thermals available. Top landed in the large field next to the Paddock.66692:20
ASun, 18 Jun 201715:30Wills Wing U2 160Plumpton Aerotow00:22Sea breeze well established (S 5-10 mph); tried a tow with 2/3 VG on and knees forward on tow. Much less yaw oscillation and a full tow to release point.2,09491:50
ASun, 18 Jun 201711:45Wills Wing U2 160Plumpton Aerotow00:17South 2-3 mph; Started a yaw oscillation; got it under control a few times before it developed again. Released early when getting out of shape when the tug dived the right. Managed some gentle climbs in thermals and landed ok.1,20091:28
HMon, 10 Apr 201711:30Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:39NNW 15-20mph - spring like thermals; wind dropped throughout morning. Flew to Truleigh Hill then returned to scratchy conditions. Eventually bottom landed and was joined by various others shortly afterwards.46291:11
SThu, 02 Mar 201700:00Other Emergency chute annual re-pack at The Loft.090:32
HSun, 13 Nov 201611:15Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke02:25New personal best for flight duration! NNW 15-20 mph. Truleigh ridge worked all day. Some punchy thermals, but difficult to stay with them. Almost made cloud base that was estimated to be 1600ft amsl. Landed in large field as Paddock was busy. Some stats from the track-log: Max Speed: 80 km/h; Total Distance: 71.3 km, Out and Return: 8.25km, Greatest Distance between two points: 4.18km.5874.1890:32
HSat, 05 Nov 201612:15Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:41With a forecast for moderate winds gusting, I wasn't too eager to launch. Instead, I'd check the glider over after its recent service. Eventually I was convinced to launch and flew to Truleigh and back two times followed by one overshoot in the Paddock and one successful landing (I think my first in the Paddock on this glider and the first time since my accident!).28588:07
STue, 11 Oct 201600:00Wills Wing U2 160Annual service inspection performed by John Barratt of South Downs Hang Gliding which included the replacement of the side wires.087:26
OFri, 07 Oct 201613:00Other RingmerAerotow demonstration at the Ringmer Gliding Club (East Sussex Gliding Club)087:26
HSun, 02 Oct 201609:50Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke01:11Early start was required. Wind dropped off throughout morning. After 3 attempts I scratched all the way down to Truleigh Hill; soared with a bird of prey, then returned to a very busy Devil's Dyke. Couldn't get high enough to top land so elected to bottom land as the sky was getting busy with traffic - hang gliders and paragliders.20087:26
HSun, 18 Sep 201612:15Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:03After hours of waiting around (having arrived at 8am); the skies filled with paragliders. I decided on a top to bottom. With a touch of east in the wind, timing take-off was critical.086:15
HSat, 03 Sep 201612:30Wills Wing U2 160Mount Caburn00:38Windy on top of Caburn as the sea air started mixing. SSW-SW 20-25 mph (gusty). Rough on landing approach - need to get hands on uprights much earlier!35086:12
HSat, 14 May 201613:00Wills Wing U2 160Firle00:06Not the day everyone expected. The ridge didn't really work well so timing launches to coincide with a thermal was critical to staying up. In my case, bad timing and flying in traffic meant a bottom landing was inevitable. On a positive, I used my new helmet and managed to squeeze my U2 into a recently repaired XC bag!6085:34
HSun, 24 Apr 201612:15Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke01:21Windy NNW-N; 15mph-20mph, gusting more? Flew to Truleigh Hill and pushed out over Small Dole. Spring thermals, very rough and sinky at times. Top landed in the bowl. Aborted another flight when the wind picked up more.96385:28
OSun, 17 Apr 201600:00Other Devil's DykeArrived with the intent to fly, but with the light winds and the skies periodically flooding with paragliders, I opted not to fly today. So, the glider was rigged and de-rigged without flying.084:07
HSat, 16 Apr 201616:20Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:40Waited most of the afternoon for the weather to come through. Launched after rain and slowly made it to Truleigh and back. Wind was moderate and at times felt like it had a bit of east in it. Top landed on the wheels when I got dumped in the large field at the back.60084:07
HSun, 20 Mar 201613:05Wills Wing U2 160Bo Peep01:01Back at Bo Peep - a little windy to start off with. Flew to Firle Beacon but didn't really climb. Paraglider's bowl worked best. Thermic day concluded with an easy top landing.1,0235.883:27
HTue, 15 Mar 201612:30Wills Wing U2 160Bo Peep01:46First flight in a long while. Take-off was a little rough, clouds thickened during flight. Some rough thermals. Made cloud base and got sucked up for a very short period. Flew out front and landed next to the A27. Ian White came to retrieve me!7202.582:26
OSat, 24 Oct 201500:00Wills Wing U2 160New custom hang strap fitted to my U2.080:40
HSat, 26 Sep 201515:30Wills Wing U2 160Bo Peep00:15Rough take-off. Chest buckle and harness zip popped open in flight so had to do an emergency bottom landing.25080:40
HSat, 27 Jun 201509:45Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:05W 5-10mph; with hints of thermals. Didn't connect with anything and bottom landed.500.7480:25
HMon, 25 May 201510:30Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:33W-WNW, 10-15mph, switching off and on. Punchy thermals, short trip over the back and returned for an easy top landing in the large field.1,13580:20
HSat, 16 May 201513:15Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke01:43W-WNW 10-20mph. Day started off too windy so I waited for conditions to improve. Great low save as I was destined to be first to bottom land but wasn't; ended up bottom landing. First on U2 - no problems!65079:47
OSun, 10 May 201500:00Other AbertysswgA quick trip to Newhaven to nose around and check out the site with a view to flying it later in the year!078:04
SThu, 30 Apr 201500:00Other AirBorne Sting 3:168 - all lower rigging wires replaced on my AirBorne Sting 3:168.078:04
HSun, 19 Apr 201512:55Wills Wing U2 160Bo Peep01:00Windy and thermic day at Bo Peep. NE 15-20mph; ridge lift not very effective but good thermals. Cloud base 4000ft climbing to 5000ft. Did a poop top landing in the main bowl area.2,26078:04
HSat, 24 Jan 201514:00Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:38Rough windy day 15-20mph NW, gusting. Small punchy thermals present. Scratched to Truleigh and back. Top landed in large field.3003.777:04
HSun, 18 Jan 201514:35Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke01:40After a poor start to the day (forgetting my harness), conditions improved and I launched into a northerly wind and did the Truleigh run 4 times before top landing in the large field. (TQ257109-TQ219111)3743.7476:26
HFri, 05 Dec 201414:15Wills Wing U2 160Devil's Dyke00:45First flight on the U2. Launched and it started to light drizzle (WNW 15 mph). Top landed in the large field.30074:46
HSun, 21 Sep 201413:45AirBorne Sting 3:168Firle00:36Strong northerly wind with a little east. Punchy rough thermals. A couple of sinky cycles. Top landed in front of the new fence.37074:01
HSat, 13 Sep 201415:50AirBorne Sting 3:168Firle01:14Wind increased but silky smooth air. Glad I put the second flight in. Found it hard to come down. Top landed near car park.1,05073:25
HSat, 13 Sep 201412:00AirBorne Sting 3:168Firle01:33Thermic conditions; too windy for paragliders. Thermals everywhere and very rough in places. Used the Myth 3 harness and rehearsed getting onto the uprights when up high. Top landed in PG bowl with no issues.1,20072:11
OSat, 23 Aug 201400:00Other A long trip to Sennen Cove to meet Graham Phipps and to collect my new U2 160!070:38
OSun, 15 Jun 201400:00Other Bo PeepI didn't get my mind into the right place today, so assisted and watched others and opted not to fly.070:38