Hang Gliding Videos

A collection of hang gliding videos.


71 items found.

You Don't Fly if you Don't Try
A short sled ride at the Devil's Dyke.
27 Jun 2015 : Duration : 00:03:03
A Short Trip Over the Back
Highlights of my 33 minute flight at the Devil's Dyke on my new U2 160. I eventually hook into a thermal and climb to 1100ft above take-off.
25 May 2015 : Duration : 00:05:01
Hard Going at the Devil's Dyke
An afternoon flying at the Devil's Dyke on my Wills Wing U2 160 in a rough north westerly. I eventually manage to work my way down the ridge to Truleigh then return back to the Devil's Dyke for an easy top landing (although some walkers could have made that more interesting!).
24 Jan 2015 : Duration : 00:04:40
Landings 2010 to 2014
A collection of my hang glider landings from 2010 to 2014.
17 Jan 2015 : Duration : 00:13:53
Return to Flight
My first flight since the crash and the repairs to my glider - a complete baptism of fire as my first flight since the repair is an aerotow at Plumpton!
08 Jun 2014 : Duration : 00:02:52
My Hang Gliding Crash
It had to happen one day - I crash my hang glider. Unfortunately, the impact was so hard the video stopped and didn't capture the actual crash but I was fortunate to be able to walk away and the glider was repairable!
23 Mar 2014 : Duration : 00:04:16
Hang Gliding at the Devils Dyke
An enjoyable flight in light winds at the Devil's Dyke. Still adjusting to the new harness, I'm over cautious and fly away from traffic (and the lift) and head to the bottom landing field. I almost completely fluff a bottom landing as I'm still struggling to get on the up-rights!
16 Mar 2014 : Duration : 00:05:24
An Ugly Landing
While still getting used to my new harness, I bottom land at the Devils Dyke and am not quite prepared for the wind to be so far off to the west!
15 Mar 2014 : Duration : 00:05:24