

GTEM3 Immunity

Equipment configuration screen

GTEM3 Immunity is a reduced version of its bigger brother Compliance3 Immunity. GTEM3 Immunity provides an out of the box solution for RF Testing in GTEM cells without the complexity and flexibility required in Compliance3 Immunity.

GTEM3 Immunity was released January 2005 at version 3.70, Disk Issue I. The core software is identical to Compliance3 Immunity; however, various screens and interfaces were redesigned to maximise on simplicity. To illustrate this, when running GTEM3 Immunity or Compliance3 Immunity, pressing F11 from the dataset browser view will toggle between the simplified and complex views.

Embedded components such as Field Uniformity were removed from the main Compliance3 Immunity executable through the use of conditional compilation and compiled to make GTEM3 Immunity.

As with Compliance3 Immunity, GTEM3 Immunity was authored using Microsoft's Visual Basic 6.0, SP6 and Visual C++ 6.0. Elements of JavaScript are also used within the help system that was authored using HTML.

The main application framework was constructed using Visual Basic, drawing upon its superior design environment. Other more critical parts of the software such as communications handlers, graphical rendering and computation were coded using C++.

To date (March 2005), Compliance3 Immunity, GTEM3 Immunity and its supporting modules comprise of over 420,000 lines of code, authored since 1999.

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