

Quadrature Booster Control System (QBCS)

National Grid Transco (or The National Grid Company plc as it was at the time) is the company responsible to the transmission of electrical energy throughout England and Wales through the use of its 'National Grid'. The National Grid, was constructed in the 1960's, linking the electricity generators to the electrical users via the grid network that consisted of over-head-lines (OHL) and underground cables.

Predominately most of the generation is in the North of the country and most of the demand (load) is in the South. Because of this, power being transmitted through the National Grid Network flows in a Southerly direction through the grid network. There are 4 main routes (overhead lines hung between Pylons or towers in National Grid speak) in which this energy flows. If all of this energy were to flow down one set of overhead lines, the lines would ‘overload’ resulting in a fault and ultimately a power cut. A typical analogy to this would be everyone in the North trying to drive down the M1 motorway. The road just couldn’t cope if everyone tried doing this at the same time! A better solution would be to direct some people down the A1 and some down the M6. Thus, the traffic loading is shared between other routes.

In the electrical world, some clever person worked out a way of wiring two sets of transformers in such away that it was possible to control the direction in which power flowed. This device is called a quadrature booster and is very useful in diverting power through the National Grid network in such away that the power flow is evenly distributed.

The Quadrature Booster device is controlled by changing the tap position on the transformers. This control was previously achieved using National Grid’s SCADA network (via the GI74 protocol). One disadvantage with this system was the lack of monitoring of the Quadrature Booster. This was important because during certain system frequencies and tap positions, the Quadrature Booster itself could overload. What was needed was a control system that would monitor the Quadrature Booster and be capable of interpreting commands sent from the National Control centre. Hence the Quadrature Booster Control System or QBCS for short was created.

A total of 3 engineers were responsible for the hardware and software required for this system. My main role was the design, development and coding of the Man-Machine interface used to drive the QBCS. The software was written in Visual Basic and C++.

Due to cut-backs within the National Grid I was forced to seek new work and Joined Schaffner EMC Systems Ltd where I continued to develope Windows based applications (see above). A year or so later, the remaining engineers were made redundant and set up a new company named Electric-Soft ( http://www.electricsoft.co.uk) where they continue to develop and support the QBCS software and hardware.

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